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(一)英格兰王国 ENGLAND



Family Tie




Anglo-Saxons and Danes 盎格鲁 - 撒克逊王朝(802 - 1066

Egbert 埃格伯特

King of Wessex

802 - 839

Ethelwulf 艾特尔沃尔夫

son of Egbert

839 - 855

Ethelbald 艾特尔鲍尔德

son of Ethelwulf

855 - 860

Ethelbert I 艾特尔伯赫特

second son of Ethelwulf

860 - 866

Ethelred I 艾特尔雷德一世

third son of Ethelwulf

866 - 871

AlfredThe Great)阿尔弗烈德大帝

fourth son of Ethelwulf

871 - 899

EdwardThe Elder)爱德华一世

Alfreds son

899 - 925

Ethelstan 艾特尔斯坦

Edwards son

925 - 939

Edmund IThe Magnificent)埃德蒙一世

third son of Edward

939 - 946

Edred 埃德雷德

fourth son of Edward

946 - 955

EdwyThe Fair)埃德威格

eldest son of Edmund

955 - 959

EdgarThe Peaceful)埃德加一世

second son of Edmund

959 - 975

EdwardThe Martyr)爱德华二世

eldest son of Edgar

975 - 979

Ethelred IIThe Unready)艾特尔雷德二世

second son of Edgar

979 - 1016

Edmund IIIronside)埃德蒙二世

son of Ethelred II


Canute The Great 卡纽特大帝

the Danish King

1016 - 1035

Harlod Harefoot 哈罗德一世

son of Canute

1035 - 1040

Hardicanute 哈迪卡纽特

son of Canute

1040 - 1042

EdwardThe Confessor)爱德华三世

son ofEthelred II

1042 - 1066

Harode II 哈罗德二世

the last Saxon King

1066 -1066

House of Normandy 诺曼底王朝(1066 1154

William IThe Conqueror)威廉一世

cousin of Edward

The Confessor

1066 - 1087

William IIRufus)威廉二世

third son of William I

1087 - 1100

Henry I Beauclearc 亨利一世

youngest son of William I

1100 - 1135

Stephen 斯蒂芬

son of William Is


1135 - 1154

House of Plantagenet 金雀花(或称:安茹)王朝(1154 - 1399

Henry IICurtmantle)亨利二世

son of Henry Idaughter

whose husband was Count of


1154 - 1189

Richard IThe Lion-Hearted)理查一世

son of Henry IIcrusader

1189 - 1199


son of Henry II

1199 - 1216

Henry III亨利三世

son of John

1216 - 1372

Edward ILongshanks)爱德华一世

son of Henry III

1272 - 1307

Edward II爱德华二世

son of Edward I

1307 - 1327

Edward III爱德华三世

son of Edward II

1327 - 1377

Richard II理查二世

grandson of Edward II

1377 - 1399

House of Lancaster 兰开斯特王朝(1399 1461

Henry IV 亨利四世

son of Edward IIIs son,

  Duke of Lancaster

1399 - 1413

Henry V 亨利五世

son of Henry IV

1413 - 1422

Henry VI 亨利六世

son of Henry V

1422 - 1461 1470 - 1471

House of York 约克王朝(1461 1485

Edward IV 爱德华四世

son of Duke of York,

  descendant of Edward III

1461 - 14701471 - 1483

Edward V 爱德华五世

son of Edward IV, murdered


Richard III理查三世

brother of Edward IV

1483 - 1485

House of Tudor 都铎王朝(1485 1603

Henry VIIEarl of Richmond)亨利七世

son of Edmund Tudor

1485 - 1509

Henry VIII亨利八世

son of Henry VII

1509 - 1547

Edward VI 爱德华六世

son of Henry VIII

1547 - 1553

Mary IMary Tudor)玛丽一世

daughter of Henry VIII

1553 - 1558

Elizabeth I 伊丽莎白一世

daughter of Henry VIII

1558 - 1603


(二)大不列颠联合王国 GREAT BRITAIN

House of Stuart 斯图亚特王朝(1603 1714

James I 詹姆斯一世

     James VI of Scotland

first King Great Britain

1603 - 1625

Charles I 查理一世

son of James I, beheaded

1625 - 1649

Charles II 查理二世

son of Charles I,

  restored on 1660


1660 - 1685

James II 詹姆斯二世

son of Charles I, deposed

1685 - 1688

William III and Mary II 威廉三世



son of Charles Is


eldest daughter of

      James II

1689 - 1702


1689 - 1694

Anne 安妮

second daughter of

 James II

1702 - 1714

House of Hanover 汉诺威王朝(1714 - 1910

George I 乔治一世

son of James Is

grand daughter whose

husband was elector of


1714 - 1727

George II乔治二世

only son of George I

1727 - 1760

George III 乔治三世

grand son of George II

1760 - 1820

George IVSailor-King)乔治四世

eldest son of George III

1820 - 1830

William IV 威廉四世

third son of George III

1830 - 1837

Victoria 维多利亚

daughter of George IIIs

  fourth son

1837 - 1901

Edward VII 爱德华七世

eldest son of Victoria

1901 - 1910

House of Windsor 温莎王室(1910 - 

George V 乔治五世

second son of Edward VII

1910 - 1936

Edward VIIIDuke of Windsor


eldest son of George V


1936 - 1936

George VI 乔治六世

second son of George V

1936 - 1952

Elizabeth II 伊丽莎白二世

elder daughter of George VI

1952 -       

















































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